Sunday, August 5, 2007

State RR

Went up to Sherril for the State RR today on a hilly 10 mile loop course for 4 laps. Hills= uh oh for me, but I was ready to go. I stayed near the front the whole time patroling for strongmen like Chris Hansen (Pedros), Robinson Bro's (All 9), Jimmy (ICCC) and a few others to make sure nothing big went without me. Put in an attack that lasted all but 30sec probably as no-one went with me, so I just kinda sat up as it was half way through the 2nd lap.

Towards the end, things were starting to go haywire with fighting for position, I was able to get Hansen's wheel and knew he would be at the front in the end. As we headed up the last stretch, the sprint started and as soon as I took one left pedal stroke, a cramp seized up my leg, and I had to sit down in order to keep going, and by was all gone. Came across 12th or so, wasn't what I wanted much sitting in, as I think I would do better if the field were strung out more and didn't have the guys that sit in all race and then try to sprint. Oh well, Jimmy ended up in the money, sweet....Either State TT or Tour of KC next weekend, so should be action packed.

Moenk won the pro race with some fine riding by Mercy (Jeff Barnes) on a nice break and Adam Price and John Eppen with some hard work!


Pete Basso said...

Carson, try using the Acelerade Water with the 4:1 carb to protein mix. I've been using it for three weeks already in this heat and haven't had any cramps yet. Stuff works!! Good job yesterday.

unnamed said...

Stupid cramps. Oh well maybe next year. I'm going to visit family and so I definitely can't do TOKC. Not that should mean anything to you. Maybe I will see you at the time trial.

Jimmy "strongman" Carrico